Summer Missions at PBF
Summer is a time to rest from the normal ministry rhythms. We like to give volunteers time to refresh and recharge from weekly service, but the Christian life never stops. Summer is a time for travel, being outdoors, and spending time with people. At PBF, that also means it’s a time to join in gospel advance!
Join us for Serve & Share Summers at PBF! We are serving and sharing with one another as we partner together in praying, going, and giving for the sake of the gospel. We are serving and sharing with others near and far through practical acts of love and the preaching of the gospel of Christ for their salvation.
Area of Focus
- Local Evangelism. Going to serve and share through individual relationships, neighborhood events, or community outreach.
- Local Missions. Going on short trips to serve and share in neighboring states.
- Global Missions. Going on short trips to work with our global partners or ministry partners to serve and share in other countries.
Ways to Serve and Share
- Pray. All evangelism and missions are driven and supported by prayer. Whether you stay or go, involvement in prayer is essential (Matt 9:38; 1 Thess 3:1; Acts 13:3).
- Go. Whether it’s to your neighbors or the nations, we want everyone to be involved in God’s plan to send his people with the gospel (Matt 28:18–20; John 20:21; Eph 6:15).
- Give. Maybe you can’t go on a trip, but God has blessed you with financial resources to help others go through scholarships (Luke 8:1–3; Phil 4:15–18).
Pray & Read with a Friend
Pray and Read is about using the Gospel to spread the gospel. To begin, we’re asking you to pray for an unsaved friend. We have a free 30-day prayer guide at church to help you ask God to ready their heart for when you ask them to read with you. Then we’re asking you to read the Bible with them and engage in gospel conversations. You can read any book, but we encourage you to read Mark’s Gospel with them. It's a short, direct introduction to Jesus designed to bring about faith in those who read it. We have a brief guide that will help you walk someone through Mark a chapter at a time. It’s as simple as reading the text out loud, then asking three questions: 1) Who is Jesus? 2) Why did he come? 3) What does this mean for us? As you pray and read, we ask God to open blind eyes and grant saving faith (Rom 10:17; 2 Cor 4:4–6). What a privilege to share in God’s work of saving his people and bringing them to himself! CLICK on the image to let us know you are meeting with your friend; we want to pray for you!
Baltimore, MD (July 12—19)
All Members and their Children (14+) Trip. The City of Baltimore is a hidden gem on the East Coast, offering visitors a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. From its charming neighborhoods to impressive cultural landmarks, Baltimore has something for everyone. But there are great needs as well—physical and spiritual. This Baltimore Mission Trip will allow us to partner with the Garden Church and their ONE HOPE ministry for starting gospel churches in Baltimore. ALL SPOTS are now filled.
VBS (July 27–30)
VBS is an opportunity to share the gospel to kids, encouraging believers and evangelizing unbelievers. And there are lots of ways to help. This year, you can help us teach and care for kids as they learn about the power of Christ to save his people! With a western theme and a focus on the Wonder of Christ as our Lord and Savior, it will be a great time for cowpokes K-6th Grade!
CLICK the image to sign-up!
Movie Theatre Evangelism
Local theaters are a great place to interact with people in our community. We want to have a gracious, thoughtful, but challenging conversation about each person's need for Christ. Those who serve will have an opportunity to engage the lost in one-on-one conversations and pray for others while they are talking. We want every person to go away with a copy of John's Gospel and clear understanding of what Jesus did to save them from their sins and bring them to God. Dates and times are given on the sign-up page. Look for dates soon!
Request John's Gospel
Going on a trip? Ready to share the good news with someone? Want to read through John's Gospel in a one-to-one with an unbeliever? We've got you covered! If you have a specific plan to put this gospel booklet into the hands of someone who needs to hear the truth, we are ready to give them to you for free. CLICK the image to go to our request form.
Reaching & Teaching Trips
Reaching & Teaching International Ministries exists to make mature disciples, establish healthy churches, and train local leaders. They often help bridge the gap between areas that are reached with the gospel but have immature believers and unhealthy churches. PBF partners with them to serve the global church in these areas through short-term trips. Those that go will serve as translators or teachers. CLICK the image for more information and to sign-up.