This book is very special to us. As Bruce Ware’s daughters, we view Big Truths for Young Hearts not only as a rich resource for children and adults, but also as a tangible representation of the teaching we were blessed to faithfully receive from our dad throughout our childhood.
For the past two decades we have lived with a father who loves theology and loves to teach theology. We both remember him teaching us all six verses of the hymn “May the Mind of Christ my Savior” by the time we were three years old. During our annual summer road trips to see family on the West Coast, Dad and Mom used the time in the car to lead our family in singing worship songs, memorizing Scripture, and discussing theology. Dad would often begin a conversation with a question: “So, do you think Jesus had to be both God and man?” or “How can God be good and still allow bad things to happen in the world?” Not exactly laid-back vacation banter, but we loved those family conversations. We girls would sit in the backseat of our family Toyota and rack our brains trying to think of a biblical answer, knowing all the while that Dad had one. He was passionate about sharing truths with us that would give us confidence in our faith. This passion came through in family discussions at dinner, late-night chats in his study, and the “daddy daughter dates” on which he often took us. Though we did not fully realize it then, those conversations were life - changing and heart-shaping. It was Theology 101 given outside the classroom.
Dad really believes the things that are in this book. His theology shapes the way he lives, as we have seen many times. In confronting theological challenges of his day, Dad has displayed uncompromising commitment to God’s word. During hard times, he has trusted God and said along with Job, “The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” When praised for his gifts, he has had a humble attitude, consistently focusing attention on the Source of every good gift. He is generous with his time and money, faithful in evangelism, untiring in teaching, and devoted to his family. We tell you all this because we want to honor Dad’s integrity. Though of course he is deeply aware of his own sin, he strives to live a life worthy of the gospel of Christ.
Big Truths for Young Hearts is the same Theology 101 we learned growing up. It is a rich collection of truths that come straight from Scripture and answer questions about who God is, his work in the world, and the hope we can have through a relationship with Christ. Many people, whether evangelical or otherwise, have misconceptions about the basic doctrines of God. We need to understand these doctrines in order to understand life correctly. This book takes us straight to the heart of the Bible to help us do that.
We want to include a brief word to parents and children. To parents: it may sound cliché, but we followed our father’s teaching in part because he practiced what he preached. Like all children, we needed to look up and see our parents looking up at a great God who has great things in store for those who love him. The practice of faith really does make it powerful. To children: we’re so glad that you’re learning truths about God! It doesn’t always seem fun to have to sit and listen to your parents. But this subject is actually more exciting than anything else you could think of. As you get older, you’ll be very glad that you had parents who loved you and who taught you about the most important person you could ever know: God.
Lastly, to our dad: we love you so much and are so proud of you. You are a tender father, a loving husband, and a faithful provider. Thank you for raising your daughters so that we, to this day, feel cherished. Most of all, thank you for believing the gospel, teaching it to us, and faithfully showing us through your own life that God is great.
With love,
Bethany and Rachel
Permission to reproduce granted by Bruce A . Ware and Kindle agreement.